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River launches The Big Walk Map for Ramblers

River has announced the launch of an innovative online mapping tool for the Ramblers’ online magazine,

Dubbed The Big Walk Map, the interactive map is powered by Google and features over 100 routes created for Walk Magazine for the Ramblers – the leading authority on walking in the UK.

The Big Walk Map includes Walk Magazine’s ever-growing selection of walking routes around Britain, arrayed on an embedded Google Map for users to browse and explore. Each route contains a short description and a link to the free downloadable Routecards pioneered by the magazine to help users easily navigate each suggested walk. The map will also feature content, news and features plotted by location. Not only can users download a local route, they can learn about what’s happening nearby too.

Walk Magazine Editor Dominic Bates says: “Us walkers love our maps, so what better way to bring you all the latest walking routes, news and features but in the form of our lovely big, interactive map! We’ll be updating it with new content from every edition of the magazine, as well as online exclusives, so you’ll be able to find content that’s relevant to you, where you are now - or where you’d prefer to be with your backpack and your boots.”

River’s Head of Digital, Natasha Jackson, says: “We are thrilled to be working with the Ramblers on another new digital proposition that delivers interactivity for readers and value for our client. Using low-cost tools like Google Maps in a creative way, we’ve been able to create a tool that showcases Walk’s great content without breaking the bank.”