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Roth Observatory International teams up with CMA

The Content Marketing Association (CMA), the industry body for the content marketing industry, has linked up with specialist agency search and consultancy Roth Observatory International (ROI). It’s the first such arrangement for each party.

One of the world’s leading agency search consultancies – clients include Aviva, BMW, Google, Samsung, EE and SABMiller – Roth Observatory advises blue-chip CMOs on their global and local agency rosters and how to future-proof their marketing resources. Unlike most other search intermediaries, the Company takes no fees from agencies.

ROI carries out more than 60 agency searches a year for clients, about a quarter of which are global, via nine offices in locations including Singapore, New York and Hamburg.

Under the non-exclusive arrangement with the CMA, signed in mid-June, Roth Observatory will make CMA members first call for any content pitches.

Clare Hill, Managing Director, the CMA, said: “This is a terrific partnership for us because it connects us to the leading agency search consultancy, and one with a global footprint. It is also an endorsement of the world-class status of our members and – importantly – gives us access to real insight into the way clients think about their marketing issues and how their thinking about content evolves.”

Christine Downton, Senior Consultant, Roth Observatory International, said: “There are lots of routes into content and we see lots of the large traditional advertising agencies looking to build their capabilities in content. But we ask whether, compared to the newer players, they are nimble and agile enough.”