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Royal Mail welcomes "yes" vote

Royal Mail has warmly welcomed the vote by members of the Communication Workers Union in favour of the recent agreement with the union leadership, Business Transformation 2010 and Beyond.

A statement from Royal Mail said: “The three-year Agreement paves the way for Royal Mail Letters to continue with its much-needed £2 billion modernisation, including the introduction of new automated machinery and delivery equipment and changes in the way our people work. It also ensures a fair reward for our people that reflects the vital part they play in the transformation of Royal Mail.

The company said it is extremely grateful to both Roger Poole and ACAS for their help and support in overseeing discussions with the CWU in recent months.

Mark Higson, Managing Director of Royal Mail Letters, said: "This is a great outcome for Royal Mail, its customers and its people. We’re already more than half way through our £2bn modernisation plan and we’re all now focussed on getting on with the changes that will give Royal Mail a strong and successful future, and will protect the future of the Universal Service."”