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Samedan chooses Beeline for circ

Beeline has announced that B2B publisher Samedan has selected them to provide a single customer view of all their data and to provide an ongoing circulation bureau service.

Samedan chooses Beeline for circ
Guila Selby: “A single view of all our data is paramount.”

Samedan publishes a number of international pharmaceutical magazines and digital newsletters, as well organising conferences in the pharmaceutical sector.

Daniel Verrells, MD of Beeline, said: “We are absolutely delighted to be able to support Samedan in achieving a new level of data management. They have valuable brands in their stable and maintaining a quality audience is essential for their products and clients.”

Guila Selby, MD of Samedan, said: “Beeline are a great fit for us. Not only do I have 100% trust in their software and processes to give us the service we demand but their strategic input and experience with data is vital to us moving forward. A single view of all our data is paramount if we are to create and maintain an engaged audience for us and our clients.”