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Seven wins IoIC awards

Seven, the multi-platform content marketing agency, has won an Institute of Internal Communications (IoIC) Award of Excellence for best agency of the year.

It also won three other awards: Most innovative use of Media for Medtronic’s innovative sales app and Best Designer for both Rebecca Bramwell (Your M&S) and Simon Campbell (Financial Management magazine – CIMA).

It’s not the first time Campbell has been shortlisted for Best Designer, thanks to his creative expertise. He has been nominated for more than 15 different design awards during his time at Seven. These include: PPA Awards – Designer of the Year in 2012 and 2010 (Business Media) and the BSME Awards (BSME Art Director of the Year 2011 and 2009).

Celebrating the best in internal communications for 60 years, the IoIC Awards reflect the growing complexity and rapid changes in the work being done by internal communicators. 

Seven is a well-known name at the IoIC Awards, previously called the CiB Awards. It has been recognised in several categories, including: Awards of Excellence in 2010 for Best Internal Magazine for Impact (SOCA), The Job (The Met Police) and Landscape (Defra), as well as an Award of Excellence in the Best New Magazine category for Your M&S (M&S).

In 2009, Seven received two Awards of Excellence, again for The Job and Impact (SOCA) for Best Internal Magazine.

Seven won best in class for several titles in 2008, including Best Magazine of the Year for A Journal of Interest (Coutts) and Best New Publication of the Year for 20/20 (HMRC)

Sean King, CEO of Seven, said: “Internal communications is an important part of our business, where our print and digital expertise really comes to the fore, so being recognised by our peers in the industry is very gratifying for both our clients and our staff working on their businesses.”

IoIC Award of Excellence winners are now shortlisted for the Class Winner title for each category. Winners will be announced at the IoIC Awards on Friday 15 June at the Hilton Park Lane, London.