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Shortlist Media appoints Executive Editor, Film & Gaming

Jonathan Pile has been appointed Executive Editor, Film & Gaming across the male portfolio of Shortlist Media – Mr Hyde, and ShortList.

Jonathan moves from his current role as editor of Mr Hyde.

Phil Hilton, Editorial Director of ShortList Media, says: “Jonathan has built Mr Hyde into a position of real strength over the last two years. He’s created a loyal following of 65,000 active users and the brilliant National Burger Day. I can’t wait to see what he’ll do with this newly created position.”

This role was created to acknowledge film and gaming as the most dominant content and commercial categories for ShortList magazine and to give these key areas a single, dynamic editorial leader.

Jonathan Pile says: “Having a job that allows you to indulge two of your passions is a rare and privileged position to be in. And I can’t wait to get started expanding both the film and games coverage across Shortlist Media’s male brands.”

Mr Hyde will now be edited by Joe Mackertich who joins the brand from FHM.

Andrew Dickens, who was previously responsible for film coverage on ShortList, will now be overseeing special projects on the magazine.