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Shortlist Media appoints new group commercial director

Chris Healy steps up from trading director to the role of group commercial director where he will oversee all of the company’s commercial revenue teams.

Shortlist Media announced the promotion of Chris Healy to the role of Group Commercial Director where he will oversee all of the company’s commercial revenue teams. Shortlist Media is a pioneering UK publisher of weekly titles ShortList and Stylist, websites and, and the daily emails Emerald Street and Mr Hyde. The company also publishes Stylist in France with Groupe Marie Claire and has an edition in the Middle East, say the publishers.

This new vacancy was created by the expansion of the business and Karl Marsden’s promotion in March 2015 from Managing Director – with day to day responsibility for the commercial functions of the company – to Chief Operating Officer of the business with a wider remit to support the planned growth of the business.

Chris will report to Chief Executive Mike Soutar, who says: “Chris has the character and the talent to shine as Group Commercial Director. My Board directors and I ran an exhaustive external search process and we are delighted to say that Chris proved to be the leading candidate. He knows the business inside out, has brilliant customer contacts and is ambitious to see the company and our brands grow. It is such a pleasure to promote someone who has grown with the company since it launched. Chris Healy was one of our company’s very first employees in 2007 and this is yet another chapter in his Shortlist Media story of success.”

COO Karl Marsden, who will work closely with Chris, adds: “It is a testament to the talent at Shortlist Media that we are again able to promote from within. Working alongside Stylist Publishing Director Glenda Marchant and Commercial Director of Content Solutions Mark Sandford, Chris has played a full role in recent months to ensure the business continues to thrive and grow. Chris is resolute and focused and he has a very real capacity to get things done, this work-ethic alongside his dry Mancunian wit will stand him in good stead as he steps up and into his new role.”

Chris Healy comments: “I am thrilled at the prospect of leading such a talented commercial team, full of inspiring people who are committed to delivering outstanding customer service and value, who generate some of the most innovative ideas in media, and who work their socks off day in day out. The fact is that they also make coming into work every day such a pleasure and I look forward to helping them all develop and achieve their amazing potential.”

One of Chris’ first responsibilities will be to recruit a new Trading Director to step into his previous role and further announcements will be made in due course.