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Sir Christopher Meyer to give Stationers lecture

Sir Christopher Meyer is to give the annual lecture at the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers on 16 April.

Inspired by Tony Blair’s 2007 comment regarding the Media; “It is like a feral beast, just tearing people and reputations to bits.”  Sir Christopher (pictured) will draw on his ambassadorial and Press Complaints Commission experiences and deliver a well-filleted argument, peppered with wit and humour.

The Annual Lecture takes place in the beautiful and historic surroundings at Stationers’ Hall, built in 1673 and largely unchanged from that date.

Guests will be given a glass of wine on arrival and the lecture will be followed by further drinks and canapés.

Tickets are available to both members and non-members and the number of guests you may bring is unlimited. However the Hall is full at 200 and this is certain to be a very popular event, says the Company. Tickets can be booked online at Following the reception at 8pm there will be a very special gala dinner for 100 guests in the spectacular Court Room.

Again tickets are available to members and non-members on a first come, first-served basis.

The Annual Lecture is sponsored by: FTI Consulting, Inc and is chaired by Peter Day, BBC Business Correspondent.

About Sir Christopher Meyer KCMG

Sir Christopher, a Court Assistant of the Stationers’ Company, is one of our most highly respected diplomats of the last 20 years. He was Ambassador both to Germany and the United States. He retired from Washington in 2003, after serving longer than any Ambassador since the Second World War. He went on to become Chairman of the Press Complaints Commission, a post he stepped down from at the end of March 2009. In 1998 he was made a Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George.

Sir Christopher's time in Washington coincided with extraordinary events: the Monica Lewinsky affair, the failed impeachment of President Clinton, the war in Kosovo, the nail-biting presidential election battle between George W. Bush and Al Gore, 9/11, the war against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, and the preparations for war in Iraq. Throughout these events Sir Christopher was at the heart of the British-American relationship.

The title of his lecture alludes, of course, to Tony Blair’s 2007 comment regarding the Media; “It is like a feral beast, just tearing people and reputations to bits.” With Sir Christopher’s political and diplomatic experience, this lecture promises to be most intriguing, insightful and, dare we say ...invigorating!