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Society of Mining Professors adopts Mining Technology as official journal

Maney Publishing and the Society of Mining Professors (SOMP) have announced a new partnership which sees the adoption of Mining Technology as the SOMP official journal.

This development will bring Mining Technology to the attention of an important new group of mining engineers and compliments existing relationships with the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM).

Three members of SOMP have been appointed to the editorial board; Professor Z. Agioutantis from the Technical University of Crete, Greece, Dr. V. Kecojevic from West Virginia University, USA and Professor Dr-Ing. O. Langefeld from Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany. SOMP members will receive online access to the quarterly journal through the SOMP website. They will also be eligible for a discounted print subscription.

Professor Michael Karmis, the Secretary General of SOMP, noted that “this partnership will ensure that the traditions and heritage of the Society will be better preserved, and Mining Technology will serve an important role as a technological bridge for mining educational institutions around the world”.

Professor Peter Dowd (Editor) was instrumental in bringing about the partnership and is pleased to be working with SOMP: “I welcome the affiliation of Mining Technology with the Society of Mining Professors, who represent all of the world's major university mining schools. This consolidates and further enhances the position of Mining Technology as the world's leading international scholarly journal that covers all aspects of underground, surface and offshore mining”.   

Mining Technology is published by Maney on behalf of IOM3 and in association with AusIMM. Edited by Professor Dowd (University of Adelaide, Australia), the journal is devoted to all aspects of underground, opencast, and offshore mining operations.

The Society of Mining Professors (SOMP) was established in 1990. It is considered the natural successor of the historic Societät der Bergbaukunde, formed in the early 18th century and recognised as the world’s first international scientific society. SOMP represents the global academic mining engineering community and is committed to making a significant contribution to the future of the minerals disciplines. The main goal of the Society is to guarantee the scientific, technical, academic and professional knowledge required to ensure a sustainable supply of minerals for mankind. The Society facilitates information exchange, research and teaching partnerships and other collaborative activities among its members and the global minerals industry.