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Some takeaways from our Mar/Apr issue

James Evelegh picks out some takeaways from the March / April issue of InPublishing magazine.

By James Evelegh

Some takeaways from our Mar/Apr issue

The March / April issue of InPublishing magazine has just been mailed out. Here are some of the takeaways I took from the issue.

  1. With regards to “fake news”, the original sin goes back to the US Telecommunications Act of 1996 which gave immunity to the digital platforms for what appeared on their platforms.
  2. Readers of B2B media are people as well as professionals and B2B magazines should connect with them on a human level too.
  3. 75% of publishers say that they are working to ensure that audience data informs everything they do and are investing in tools to help achieve this.
  4. One way to measure the potential of a story is to apply the ‘pub test’: would you tell your friends about this story in the pub?
  5. The ongoing challenges of this and future pandemics, climate change, the ageing population, and multi-morbidities means that academic titles such as BMJ are finding new audiences beyond their traditional readership.
  6. Given the looming extinction of cookies due to privacy regulations and operating changes in Apple iOS and Google, contextual is the new secret sauce.
  7. Everyone wants to increase the list size of their newsletter, but this must be about engaged readers.
  8. More awareness from consumers about privacy and its digital implications means publishers are now holding most of the cards.
  9. Journalists need to get out more, because it’s so much harder to nurture a relationship with someone you have never met or haven't seen for 18 months.
  10. Driving waste out of the supply chain is one area in which financial self-interest and sustainability intersect.
  11. Irish golfer Leona Maguire must be a very special player, because she’s the only woman to make it onto any of the front covers in this issue’s spotlight.
  12. Wall-to-wall war coverage means that other important stories often don’t get a look-in.
  13. There is an emotional attachment to subscriptions that ties deeply to the unique and differentiated approach of journalism.
  14. Lifetime Value (LTV) is not a difficult concept to grasp. Most publishing companies say they use it extensively, but few actually do.

If you want to read the full issue, then please register here. Once you’ve completed your registration, you’ll be provided with a link to the digital edition.

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