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Sprylab extents partnership with Bauer

Bauer Media Group has recently selected Sprylab technologies to be its global, interactive e-publishing platform provider of choice for the migration of its international portfolio of interactive editions.

Sprylab extents partnership with Bauer

The migration process to Sprylab’s Purple DS platform has already been completed in the four key markets of UK, Germany, Australia and the US. Following positive feedback, Bauer Media Group has now decided to extend its cooperation with Sprylab.

As part of the ongoing global strategy, Bauer Media Group will now also use Purple DS for its remaining publications and, as a result, has just migrated more than 150 titles to Purple DS. This move is in line with Bauer’s broad goal of streamlining its editorial systems and processes.

The Purple DS migration tool enabled Bauer Media Group to efficiently convert 150 magazines in a short time frame, says the company. The migration includes popular brands such as TV14 in Germany, Closer in the UK, Woman’s World in the US as well as Maxi in France.

Florian Fricke, Head of International Digital Solutions at Bauer Xcel Media, commented: “The migration of all our titles to one single platform is an exciting step to offer our readers a unified digital experience. On this basis, we can continuously improve our titles worldwide, for example with more mobile-optimized formats and more engaging content.”

Steffen Schmid, Chief Revenue Officer at Bauer Xcel Media, added: “Being on a unified platform enables us to efficiently publish engaging content worldwide. Efficient and yet engaging – an excellent combination. Purple DS greatly supports us in this objective.”

York Walterscheid, Director of Marketing & Sales at Sprylab: “It has been an exciting journey so far together with Bauer Media Group. We are proud that we could convince Bauer Media Group during the first phase and are now excited to have migrated all of the titles globally. Both companies learned a lot in this partnership and we are looking forward to an ongoing fruitful cooperation.”

Links / further reading: Sprylab