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Statement by Bauer Media

With reference to speculation in Campaign, Bauer Media has released the following statement:

Bauer Media would like to make clear that the company has no plans to launch a new women’s weekly magazine.

We were approached to comment on rumours of an "upmarket, sort of Grazia", but they chose not to publish our full response. Here it is:

"We have a hugely successful portfolio of influential women's weeklies - heat, Closer, more!, Grazia -and are always looking at opportunities to grow and innovate in the market, but we have no plans to launch another upmarket women's weekly.

"Grazia has more AB readers than Tatler and Vanity Fair combined, and a higher AB profile than Elle, InStyle and Vogue. It's true that there is huge advertising demand for the Grazia audience, but we are confident that we continue to satisfy that demand in full. Grazia is the upscale version of Grazia."