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Stop the Traffik selected as FT seasonal appeal partner 2015/2016

The Financial Times has chosen Stop the Traffik as its 2015-2016 charity seasonal appeal partner.

Stop the Traffik is a global charity working to prevent human trafficking and disrupt its supply chains around the world.

FT appeals have raised over £16 million for charities over the last ten years, including the International Rescue Committee, Action Against Hunger, Camfed, Room to Read, Sightsavers, The Global Fund for Children, Wateraid and World Child Cancer. The annual appeal runs from November to January, raising money and increasing awareness of the chosen charity through editorial coverage of its work. Seasonal appeal charities are selected by staff, and readers and corporate partners are encouraged to donate.

FT deputy editor and head of the seasonal appeal committee John Thornhill said: “The Financial Times is delighted to be working with Stop the Traffik for this year’s seasonal appeal. Over 21 million people are victims of forced labour, a global crime that generates profits of £150 billion each year. Through our journalism and the support and generosity of our readers, we can help shed light on human trafficking and strengthen Stop the Traffik’s efforts to end it.”

Stop the Traffik CEO Ruth Dearnley said: “With the potential to elevate the international economic conversation around 21st century slavery, the FT and Stop The Traffik can lead the empowerment of people, the tools of technology, and the gathering and sharing of knowledge necessary to bring disruption to this global crime at a moment in our world’s history.”