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Sunday Times steps up Scottish coverage

The Sunday Times Scotland announced yesterday that it has made two new additions to its editorial team.

Ahead of the Rugby World Cup, it has appointed Mark Palmer as a dedicated Scottish Rugby Correspondent to cover all the action at home and abroad.

The newspaper has also hired Michael Glackin as Scottish Business Correspondent to provide extra weekly news and analysis of the nation’s business community.

Mark, an experienced rugby writer, rejoins the Sunday Times after spells at the Scottish Rugby Union (SRU) and M&C Saatchi.

Michael is a highly experienced business journalist who brings a wealth of insight, innovation and experience to The Sunday Times Scotland as a former business editor of The Scotsman, producer with BBC Television’s World Business Report, and news editor of the London financial daily newspaper City AM.

Mark Palmer, Sunday Times Scottish Rugby Correspondent, said: "It's a real honour and pleasure to be returning to the Sunday Times at such an exciting time, both for the paper and rugby in Scotland. With the Rugby World Cup on the horizon, Glasgow winning the PRO12 and Edinburgh reaching a European final, Scottish rugby is in the spotlight and I'm thrilled to once more be part of what is an outstanding team at the Sunday Times."

Michael Glackin, Sunday Times Scottish Business Correspondent, said: "The Sunday Times is the benchmark for financial journalism and I’m delighted to be joining a great newspaper at such an exciting time. With the arrival of new tax powers next year, the relationship between the Scottish parliament and business, which generates wealth and creates jobs, will come into sharper focus and The Sunday Times is committed to providing the in-depth coverage that Scotland’s vibrant business community deserves."

Jason Allardyce, Sunday Times Scotland editor, said: "We are delighted to have two such distinguished journalists joining us to expand our Scottish content in sport and business – both sections which have been setting the agenda nationally and internationally, not least with a strong of exclusives on the athletics doping scandal."