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Supermarket success for Cheshire Mums

The parenting publishing sector has seen significant recent growth with a number of new free publication launches and continued advertising growth, says distributor Self Select.

A wide range of local free guides for parents are now available from supermarkets across the UK distributed via Self Select Distribution.

With parenting advice, local features and tailored promotional offers they have quickly become very popular with mums & dads. The hectic schedule of parents with small children often leads to multiple visits to their local supermarket every week, where the magazines are readily available to pick up and read, according to the distributor.

Cheshire Mums, published by Sandra Harris, has seen business grow successfully in the last 6 months following her launch in November 09.  “Our readers and advertisers are delighted with the high profile exposure Cheshire Mums has received through distribution into Sainsbury’s via Self Select. We know that advertisers have had good levels of response due to the amount of series bookings we have taken.  Our local news and features are well researched which ensures good reader interest and brand loyalty.”

Andy Barker, Sales & Marketing Director at Self Select said, “The market for free local parent guides has grown massively over the last 12 months with a number of local independent publishers and franchise models being launched across the UK.  Our supermarket distribution model allows publishers flexibility to target local parents as they do their grocery shopping which ensures good brand awareness and response.”

For additional information please contact Andy Barker, 01204 667123 or