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T3 relaunches website

Future has revealed the exciting new online home of T3, its flagship technology lifestyle brand.

LG Electronics, a global leader and technology innovator in consumer electronics, has partnered with T3 on the launch of the new

The site has been completely rebuilt to make it the ultimate tech lifestyle destination, with premium design values that bring it closer to T3’s successful monthly print and iPad editions.

Video content is at the heart of the new site, with more than 20 fresh product videos added every month – building on double-digit growth in video views and making the ultimate showcase for the latest and best consumer technology.

The innovative new Buzzwall taps into the tech zeitgeist, taking users straight to the most talked-about stories of the moment, while easy-to-use buying guides and extensive group tests make sure they make the right tech-purchasing decisions.

Search, commenting and sign-in have all been made smarter and more straightforward, improving user experience and bringing the T3 community even closer to the news.

Kieran Alger, Editor of, says: “We set out to create the ultimate product showcase and bring T3’s website firmly in line with the aspirational values of the print and iPad editions. I’m absolutely delighted with the results.

“With innovations like the brand new Buzzwall and our automated buyer’s guides, we’ve made it easy and fun for our users to indulge their passion for the latest gadgets and technology. All this comes at a time when we’re already bringing in record traffic and we’re now in an even better position to grow our reach.”’s new look builds on hugely impressive growth, with August 2011 a record-breaking month for traffic. The site had more than 1.2 million unique users in August 2011, a year-on-year increase of 79% (Source: comScore Digital Analytix, August 2010-August 2011).

The relaunch is followed next month by a new look for the monthly print edition of T3 magazine and the announcement of the T3 Gadget Awards, the world’s biggest technology awards, which have seen record-breaking voting for 2011.

Future is also set to launch Gizmodo UK in partnership with Gawker Media, taking the audience for its online tech portfolio, including and TechRadar, to more than 4 million monthly users.

Nial Ferguson, Group Publishing Director of Future’s Technology portfolio, says: "We are very excited about the launch of the new and it comes at a time when we continue to build on our position as the UK’s leading technology publisher.

“T3 is focused on building a truly exciting cross-platform brand and this new site is a crucial element of that plan.”

George Mead, Product and Consumer Marketing Manager, LG UK Home Entertainment, comments: “We’re always looking for new and engaging ways to reach our passionate consumer technology enthusiasts and so are very excited about Future’s new online offering.

“We see this partnership as a great opportunity to showcase LG’s newest and marketing leading technology innovations on this new and pioneering platform.”