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Take a Break hits 1.25 billion

Last week saw another landmark for H Bauer’s Take a Break magazine: reaching 1.25 billion copy sales since its launch almost exactly 20 years ago.

Since March 1990, says H Bauer, Take a Break has consistently maintained its position as the UK's biggest selling women’s magazine - remarkable in a highly competitive market.

David Goodchild, Managing Director of H Bauer, attributes Take a Break’s continuing success to editorial quality and constant innovation. Editor John Dale is an all-time record winner of the British Society of Magazine Editors awards for women's weeklies - having won it 10 times, including 2009.

Goodchild says: “Take a Break is a magazine that has always dared to be different. It addresses the important issues facing British women – life and death, relationships, family, health and social concerns, in a way that really resonates with its readers. During 2010 we will continue to focus on the strengths that have made Take a Break the country's biggest womens magazine for two decades.”