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Taylist Media chooses ESco

ESco has announced that it is now working for Taylist Media and is looking after subscriptions and controlled circulations for four publications.

The Taylist Media titles are a mixture of B2B and B2C:


* ERT Ireland

* KBB Review

* Kitchens Bedrooms & Bathrooms

The migration to ESco's systems has now been completed and Taylist Media are now making use of ESco's solutions for subscriptions management, controlled circulation (including ABC audits), eCommerce and online CC registration forms.

Tara Ridge the Sales & Marketing Manager for Taylist Media says: "We moved to ESco in 2015 and I can honestly say it has been refreshing to find a supplier that works so meticulously and efficiently. They made the migration period a breeze whilst being malleable to our needs; the project management during this time was second to none! Our subscribers are the basis of our business so it was imperative for us to find the right partner, which is exactly what ESco have proven to be. Their customer service to us and our customers is impeccable; I would have no hesitation in recommending them."