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Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust chooses BMJ Best Practice

BMJ’s clinical decision support tool BMJ Best Practice was recently selected by Tees Esk and Wear Valleys (TEWV) NHS Foundation Trust to be integrated into its Paris Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system.

Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust chooses BMJ Best Practice
Louise Crowe: “Healthcare professionals need quick and easy access to the latest clinical information.”

With it, healthcare professionals can easily access the latest clinical information within the patient workflow – helping to improve care, says BMJ.

Healthcare professionals at TEWV can now access BMJ Best Practice by typing in any condition or symptom in the ‘Search BMJ Best Practice’ box at the top of a patient’s records. They are then automatically signed in and taken directly to the relevant results to access step-by-step guidance across the whole of the patient’s care plan. This high level of accessibility will continue through Civica’s Cito system when it is introduced later this year.

“BMJ Best Practice is a great resource to help us reach the goals of Our Journey To Change as we strive to improve care and support for people experiencing mental health problems,” said Dr Ahmad Khouja, Chief Clinical Strategy Officer, TEWV NHS Foundation Trust. “As part of our Clinical Journey, it will reduce our clinicians’ workload and give them greater confidence every time they make a diagnosis and treatment decision.”

Paul Sanders, Clinical Systems Managing Director at global software provider Civica, said: “Our integrated clinical systems help our health and care customers to deliver better outcomes for patients via increased productivity and more effective progress through care pathways. Our close collaborations and partnerships in healthcare mean we can contribute to delivering the best health services for patients, in the areas that matter the most.”

There is growing evidence of the effectiveness of integrating clinical decision support into electronic systems that healthcare professionals use, says BMJ: a recent study by Tao et al. showed that the clinical decision support systems (CDSS) integrated with BMJ Best Practice improved the accuracy of clinicians’ diagnoses. Shorter confirmed diagnosis times and hospitalisation days were also found to be associated with CDSS implementation in retrospective real-world studies.

Louise Crowe, Director of Knowledge, BMJ, said: “Healthcare professionals need quick and easy access to the latest clinical information when making diagnosis and treatment decisions, and this is what BMJ Best Practice provides. We are excited to be collaborating with TEWV to support NHS staff and patients at the point of care, and would like to replicate this success with other trusts in the UK.”

All NHS staff and learners in England can use BMJ Best Practice for free, funded by Health Education England (HEE).

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