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Telegraph announces launch of 2011 Telegraph Travel Awards

Telegraph Media Group (TMG) launched its 2011 Telegraph Travel Awards this weekend, in the Travel Supplement of Saturday’s The Daily Telegraph, with a comprehensive consumer survey of British travel habits.

Telegraph readers are being asked to vote for their favourite travel places and experiences and the companies and products they choose to take them there. The results, which will be published in October, will form the basis of the Awards.

The revitalised Telegraph Travel Awards, which were first established in 1998, are part of Telegraph Travel’s continued commitment to growth, with the redesigns of the printed travel supplements in both The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph and the redevelopment of the travel website which will be rolled out later this year.

The new website will include comprehensive guides, written by experts, to more than 50 destinations, offering advice on what to do, where to stay and how to save money all plotted on a series of interactive maps.  The Telegraph experts, who live and breathe these destinations, have also reviewed thousands of hotels worldwide while a leading team of cruise experts, have run the rule over 100 of the leading cruise ships, allowing readers to plan with the experts and book with confidence.

To reflect the way technology is impacting on the travel industry this year there are new categories in the Telegraph Travel Awards, not only with an award for the best travel website voted for by the readers, but also for the best travel app, decided by a panel of experts, chaired by Graham Boynton. There will also be three further awards including a special award for services to British travellers and one for travel inspiration.

Graham Boynton, Group Travel Editor, TMG said: “We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 2011 Telegraph Travel Awards as they truly celebrate the best of the best in travel.”

The Travel Awards ceremony will be held at the London St. Pancras Hotel on October 25th, hosted by TMGs Group Travel Editor Graham Boynton. The Awards will be presented by actor Bill Nighy and comedian Rory Bremner.

The chosen charity for this year’s award is Starlight, which grants once-in-a-lifetime wishes for seriously and terminally ill children.

The online voting form can be accessed here.

2011 Telegraph Travel Awards categories:

• Reader categories:

• Favourite Short Haul Airline

• Favourite Long Haul Airline

• Favourite European Country

• Favourite Country Worldwide

• Favourite City in the UK

• Favourite City Worldwide

• Favourite Travel Website

• Favourite Tour Operator

• Favourite Specialist Independent Tour Operator

• Favourite Ski Company

• Favourite Large Cruise Line

• Favourite Small Cruise Line

• Favourite River Cruise Line

• Favourite Cross Channel Operator

• Favourite UK Hotel

• Favourite Hotel Abroad