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Telegraph launches Spark

On Friday, Telegraph Media Group (TMG) launched Spark, a new creative commercial department “super-charged by data and ground breaking analytics”, where, says the Telegraph, “mad men meet math men”.

Spark aims to fuel creativity with detailed data insight. It will collaborate with TMG’s customers to create partnerships and products tailored to brands’ needs, finding more creative ways to drive scale and engage target audiences.

Matt Cory, Managing Director, Spark, TMG, said: “The launch of Spark is very exciting for TMG. It takes our strengths in Creative Branded Content and bolsters it with data insight, to produce ideas that are right for brands, right for our readers and right for the Telegraph. This will ensure that the right idea and the right implementation deliver the results clients want every time. Finally, we have found a place where the Mad Men are meeting the Math Men, and actually getting better outcomes.”

TMG has been at the cutting edge of commercial and editorial collaboration for the last ten years, with TMG’s Create team producing award winning branded content, says the company.

TMG is providing significant investment in analytical tools for Spark and recruiting extra resource. This will include a new proactive ideas sales team, new digital designers and developers as well as additional roles in audience development and data insight teams. TMG’s investment in Spark will also include building on existing strong video capabilities which are vital to campaigns.

Dave King, Executive Director, TMG, said: “The Content and Product development teams at TMG have fully endorsed everything we are doing at Spark. This will enable us to ensure that Spark delivers content, insight and audience.”

According to the Telegraph, Spark’s key components include:

* Using data insight to drive content engagement. Using the latest Adobe Analytics and Adobe Marketing Cloud technologies, TMG will have a far deeper understanding of customers’ behaviour, so that it can ensure the content produced will resonate with brands’ target audiences.

* Using audience data insight to drive scale. TMG’s first party data from more than 2.5 million readers ensures that TMG are serving the right customer the right content, so that more than one million users a month are driven to engaging branded content across

* Using continuous data analysis during live campaigns to make real time decisions and increase optimisation, adapting the content offering to maximise customer engagement.

* Producing an in-depth post campaign analysis. This will allow TMG and its clients to understand what drives success, and feed that learning into future campaigns.

See the launch video