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Telegraph relaunches and rebrands website

Telegraph Media Group (TMG) has enhanced its website to give readers greater depth of content and a wider range of multi-media. This coincides with the rebranding of the website as The Telegraph, creating one consistent brand across TMG’s digital platforms.

Pictures, video and graphics can now be showcased in a more compelling way both within individual articles as well as on the homepage. Journalists will have their own pages, and each section of the website will have a significantly greater amount of editorial content available at the click of a button. The changes will also make it easier to share content, though services such as Facebook Like.

New colours and fonts echo those of The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Telegraph newspapers. The Telegraph brand will be extended to the Telegraph’s mobile site plus apps for mobile and iPad products. The name change does not extend to newspaper titles.

The redesign was carried out by an in-house team of designers and developers.

Edward Roussel, Digital Editor, TMG said: “We are raising the bar on the quality of content and the consumer experience. It is a reflection of the Telegraph’s commitment to digital media that the developments were carried out by a highly skilled in-house team.”

Graham Horner, Marketing Director, TMG said: “Bringing the digital platforms of the Telegraph under one umbrella brand is an exciting proposition which will provide consistency across our products.”