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The Drum Live – a special interactive magazine made in a day

The Drum will today publish a completely interactive magazine made in a day in front of many of its readers.

Earlier this month The Drum lifted the curtain on magazine publishing by inviting readers and contributors to join them at an event in London where they produced all the content – from designing the cover to conducting feature interviews – in full view of their glare, and with their help.

Attendees threw themselves into the task of being part of The Drum’s editorial team for the day, posing questions for interviewees and voting on designs, and as such they will all be listed as associate editors in today’s magazine.

To get across the collaborative spirit of the day, The Drum teamed up with Blippar to make the magazine itself just as interactive, using augmented reality technology.

Using the Blippar app, readers of the magazine will unlock a catalogue of interactive content – allowing them to watch video interviews, events from the day and behind the scenes footage simply by pointing their smartphone or tablet at the pages.

Stephen Shaw, marketing opportunities director at Blippar, said: “Creating a totally Blippable magazine at The Drum Live was certainly one of the biggest and most ambitious uses of Blippar ever by a trade publication.

“Being able to see the content unfold throughout the day and working with great talent and content from the likes of [cover designers] Adam & Eve and The Drum editorial team certainly put our self-service platform Blippbuilder through its paces and is testimony to its abilities to deliver dynamic, compelling and engaging content on the fly."

One of the big discussion points at The Drum Live was around Bitcoin, and from this issue The Drum will accept the virtual currency as payment.

Editor Gordon Young said: “This was a great way of simultaneously engaging our audience across all our channels including live events, digital, print and social media. In fact the event became the most discussed topic of the day on Twitter in London. It demonstrates that even in this fast, moving digital world print can still play a central role.”

The Drum Live edition contains features on Buzzfeed, neuroscientist Dr Beau Lotto and Jim Chapman, whose print article will be backed by video content like this.

The Drum magazine will be posted to subscribers today and available to buy from The Drum store.