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The Guardian publishes “The List of Deaths”

Today, in recognition of World Refugee day and 25 years of the refugee crisis, The Guardian in collaboration with artist Banu Cennetoglu, Chisenhale Gallery and Liverpool Biennial is distributing The List from UNITED for Intercultural Action in its print edition.

The Guardian publishes “The List of Deaths”

This is the first time The List has appeared as a supplement in an English language newspaper, says The Guardian.

Since 1993, UNITED for Intercultural Action has recorded the reported names, origins and causes of death for more than 34,000 refugees and migrants who have died whilst trying to get into Europe due to what it describes as the restrictive policies of “Fortress Europe”. The List which currently contains 56 pages of names and incidents is included in full in print and available to download on The Guardian’s website.

In a 64-page print supplement The List is accompanied by commentary covering how the shape of the refugee crisis has changed over the years. There are also case studies taking a deeper look behind some of the names of those listed and an interview with artist Banu Cennetoglu, who since 2007, facilitates distribution of The list around the world.

Mark Rice-Oxley, special projects editor, Guardian News & Media, said: “This List of deaths is a startling and heroic piece of work by UNITED for Intercultural Action. It exposes a terrifying truth of mounting human misery, of utterly preventable death stretching back more than 25 years - and of a failure of imagination by the world's biggest bloc of liberal democracies. That is why The Guardian is publishing it in full today.”

Banu Cennetoglu, artist, said: “I believe in the power of printed material and its impact especially in the case of The List. I hope the dissemination and the contextualisation through The Guardian and its editors will remind people of the capacity they do have to interfere on those fatal policies and their makers.”

Geert Ates, UNITED, said: “Since 1993, we have recorded the names and incidents of refugee deaths to draw public attention to the deadly consequences of building Fortress Europe. The dissemination of our full list by the world’s leading newspaper The Guardian on World Refugee Day, will help UNITED enormously to find wider support for the necessary change of policies: No More Deaths! Time for Change!”

This edition of The List is commissioned and produced by Chisenhale Gallery, London and Liverpool Biennial, and printed and distributed by The Guardian.