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The Press and Journal launches Apprenticeship Campaign

The Press and Journal launched an exclusive apprenticeship campaign on Friday. The campaign aims to encourage local businesses to create 100 apprenticeships in 100 days.

The goal of the newspaper is to encourage companies of all trades to offer apprenticeships and traineeships across the north and north-east of Scotland, making a commitment to take on at least one extra person in 2016.

With backing from Scottish Government’s Secretary for Fair Work, Skills and Training, Roseanna Cunningham, alongside prominent figures like Sir Ian Wood, the former Chairman of energy giant Wood Group, and hotelier Stewart Spence, it is hoped that The P&J campaign will generate significant attention – and at least one hundred new roles for young people in the north-east.

Damian Bates, Editor in Chief of The Press and Journal, said, “We are delighted to launch Apprentice 100 to highlight an issue vital to the future of Scotland and its young people. We hope many organisations rally around in support to help us reach this amazing target.”

Starting last Friday inside the 20-page “Your Jobs in Scotland” supplement, the campaign is running in association with North East Scotland College supported by Tullos Training. A roll of honour will be published in the paper during the campaign, marking all those businesses who have pledged support.

Damian continued, “We’ll be featuring some real-life experiences alongside pledges from our local businesses and councils, offering their support to the cause and generating new opportunities for young people.”

The “100 apprenticeships in 100 days” series will run from Friday 4th September 2015 in The Press and Journal.