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The Sun appoints Environment Correspondent

The Sun has appointed Natasha Clark as its official Environment Correspondent.

The Sun appoints Environment Correspondent
Natasha Clark: “More and more readers are saying they're interested in climate and green news.”

The permanent role builds on her appointment earlier this year as dedicated COP26 correspondent. As well as covering the environment, Natasha will also continue to work in the lobby.

As well as celebrating and championing Sun readers' green efforts, Natasha has also been reporting breaking environmental news, as well as interviews with green leaders under the Green Team banner.

Natasha Clark says: “I am delighted to officially become The Sun’s Environment Correspondent at what I'm told is a very quiet time for the climate beat...

“More and more readers are saying they're interested in climate and green news, and I'm so pleased to be able to tell these important and engaging stories with our growing audience, both in print and online.

“As the world gathers in Glasgow to decide how best to clean up our world, The Sun will be at the forefront, telling readers everything they need to know about going green.”

Victoria Newton, editor in chief of The Sun says: “Natasha has done great work covering climate change and environmental issues alongside her political beat, so I’m thrilled that she’ll be continuing her work as Environment Correspondent on a permanent basis. Alongside our Green Team campaign which gives Sun readers practical ways they can get involved to make a big difference, her appointment will strengthen The Sun’s increasing commitment to environmental issues.”

The Sun’s Green Team coverage follows a Sun reader survey which found that 82% of Sun readers wanted to become more green, but most don't know how. The Sun then took a practical approach to climate change and environmental issues, helping its readers to make more eco-friendly everyday changes that would also save them money, say the publishers.

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