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The Sun introduces User-Generated Headlines

The Sun has handed over its headlines to its Twitter followers – challenging the 690,000 strong community to generate a Sun headline that is printed in the next day’s paper.

The #PunInTheSun initiative started today with Twitter user @Kie9ward responsible for the inaugural headline ‘KIM SWEARS IT WELL’. The user-generated-headline was printed against a story of Andy Murray’s fiancé Kim Sears wearing a Parental Advisory T-shirt during the Australian Open final following a foul-mouthed outburst that was captured on camera earlier in the week.

The regular feature will combine The Sun’s heritage for headlines with social media to engage its communities and extend its reach online.

According to the publishers, famous Sun headlines have included: ‘FREDDIE STAR ATE MY HAMSTER’ (a story on comic Freddie Star eating a hamster during a live show), ‘UP YOURS DELORS’ (a story in response to Jacques Delors’ attempt to force European federalism upon the UK) and ‘IF KINNOCK WINS TODAY WILL THE LAST PERSON TO LEAVE BRITAIN PLEASE TURN OUT THE LIGHTS’ (on the eve of the 1992 general election).