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The Sun’s earthquake appeal raises £1,000,000 so far

The Sun’s urgent Earthquake Appeal raises £1,000,000 to provide aid to victims of devastating quakes in Turkey and Syria.

The Sun’s earthquake appeal raises £1,000,000 so far
Victoria Newton: “I have been blown away by the response to our Earthquake Appeal from Sun readers who have donated so generously during a cost of living crisis.”

In the wake of the disaster in Turkey and Syria, The Sun’s Earthquake Appeal was created to raise money for the British Red Cross providing relief in affected areas in Turkey and Syria last week.

Sun readers, moved by harrowing reports of the devastation on the ground, alongside some of Britain’s biggest companies and celebrities including Tesco, Sainsbury's, Marks & Spencer have donated to the appeal raising more than one million pounds so far.

The Sun says generous donations from pop mogul Simon Cowell and retailer JD Sports over the weekend helped the appeal hit a million pounds.

Last night Prime Minister Rishi Sunak praised the campaign adding: “The scale of the devastation in Turkey and Syria after last week’s massive earthquake is hard to comprehend. As a dad I find it absolutely heart-breaking to see parents desperately searching for their children in the rubble.

“Sun readers have responded to this tragedy by doing what the British people do best – they have reached out to help those in need. The Sun’s campaign has raised an incredible £1 million for the Red Cross’ lifesaving work on the ground, which will make a huge difference to people who have lost everything in the disaster.

“I’ve also spoken to Turkey’s President and promised that the UK government will stand with them. In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake, 77 British first responders and rescue dogs from fire services across the country flew out to join the search and rescue effort, and have been working day and night to pull people out from the wreckage. We have also provided additional funding to the White Helmets team working on the frontline in Syria, and are flying out a full field hospital as well as thousands of blankets, tents and sanitation kits.

“For the millions of people injured and made homeless in the space of a few minutes last week, the road to recovery will be long. We will continue to do all we can to support, and I’d urge anyone who can to support the Sun’s campaign and help to save lives.”

Editor in chief of The Sun, Victoria Newton commented: “I have been blown away by the response to our Earthquake Appeal from Sun readers who have donated so generously during a cost of living crisis, and many of Britain's biggest businesses donating huge sums of money. I've been inundated with letters and emails from readers expressing their horror at seeing the tragic events unfold in Turkey and Syria, with some of our younger readers even sending in their birthday money to help. Please continue to donate if you can.”

David Thomas, chief executive, Barratt Developments said: “We’ve all been affected by Foundation will donate to support the vital work the Red Cross is doing, easing suffering and helping families.”the distressing news from Turkey and Syria, we welcome the Sun’s appeal and through our

Jason Tarry, Tesco UK and ROI CEO, said: “Tesco fully supports this appeal and has committed to donate £100,000 to support the essential relief efforts of the British Red Cross.”

David Potts, chief executive of Morrisons, said: “This is a terrible and shocking tragedy and we are determined to help in every way we can. Morrisons is very pleased to support The Sun's Earthquake Appeal."

Nick Wilkinson, boss of Dunelm, said: “Our donation to the Sun’s campaign with The British Red Cross will provide immediate help to those affected, by helping them gain access to food, water, first aid, clothing and shelter. We will continue to work with our suppliers and colleagues affected by this disaster to offer support.”

The British Red Cross have instigated a major on-the-ground mobilisation, with staff already distributing food, water, blankets and temporary shelters to support survivors who spent the night outside in freezing temperatures.

Upon launching The Sun’s Earthquake Appeal, British Red Cross chief executive Mike Adamson said: “The scale of destruction caused by these earthquakes has been devastating. The priority right now is rescuing people from the rubble. Your donations will help search-and-rescue missions on the ground — and provide vital aid to those who need it most. We thank Sun readers for your kind support. Anything you give makes a difference.”

The Red Cross have been working on the ground in Turkey and Syria since day 1 to aid the search and rescue mission and provide vital humanitarian aid to survivors where temperatures have sunk to minus 7.

In the last week the Turkish Red Crescent disaster response team has set up mobile kitchens serving 1.7 million people serving hot meals, distributing 30,000 blankets and more than 2,000 tents. They have also set up 300 blood donation points in the region and have specialists on the ground providing support for trauma.

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent have been assisting rescue efforts and have distributed nearly 5,000 mattresses and over 9,000 blankets and have received 60 tonnes of food and medical supplies from the Iraqi Red Crescent Society.

The Red Cross also provides on-the-ground specialists supporting people dealing and suffering with trauma.

Money is still needed to continue supporting vital humanitarian work with survivors who have lost everything.

To donate, please visit

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