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The things they said (in our Jan/Feb issue)

James Evelegh picks out some of the best lines from the January / February issue of InPublishing magazine…

By James Evelegh

The things they said (in our Jan/Feb issue)

The January / February issue of InPublishing magazine was mailed out this week. Lots of people had lots of interesting things to say (all the links are to our digital edition):

  1. “I think we will have all of the national titles in five years’ time and I think they will still be in paper form,” Claire Enders predicts.
  2. “It’s not catering for a demographic but a mindset.” (Big Issue Editor Paul McNamee describing his target market.)
  3. “Fixing the roof while the sun shines should be the new operational normal for any business.” (Gavin Miller on coping with downturns.)
  4. “The clear conclusion is that the smarter players will emerge from the pandemic leaner and more efficient.” (Jim Bilton assessing Covid’s impact on global distribution.)
  5. “The way I write has always been quite humorous and a bit naughty. Like Red magazine, but a little drunk.” (Hero Brown on writing for Muddy Stilettos.)
  6. “People don’t second screen when reading a magazine, so it is a really engaged experience.” (Hearst CEO James Wildman explaining magazines’ enduring competitive advantage.)
  7. “I'm always trying to work out where the best margins are and where I can pick up early signals about what's working and what’s not.” (Waterways World’s Peter Johns on the value of numbers in publishing.)
  8. “First class journalism aligned to impeccable design and glorious photography make this a must to have in the musette,” enthuses Alan Geere about Procycling magazine.
  9. “Being absent from the market will definitely hold your growth back when this pandemic is over,” is News UK’s Dominic Carter’s advice to non-advertisers.
  10. “Publishers may have a few quite surprising things to thank Trump for.” (Dickon Ross on Trump’s media legacy.)
  11. “You’ve got to double down and try new stuff as we’re in extraordinary times,” says Immediate Media’s CRO Duncan Tickell.
  12. “Holding on to the ‘way things used to be done’ will never get us to where we need to be,” warns former Oxford Mail Editor Samantha Harman.
  13. “Listen on headphones and the voices come from the centre of your skull – there is, quite literally, no way to get closer.” (DC Thomson’s Christopher Phin on the intimacy of podcasts.)
  14. “If you’ve been covering a story nearly every day since March, you don’t want it to be assigned to someone else during the gripping bit.” (Martin Belam on live-blogging the US election for the Guardian.)
  15. “Being an efficient company is no longer a ‘nice to have’. It is a fundamental prerequisite for survival in the modern world of media.” (One of Jim Bilton’s takeaways from the latest mediafutures research.)

It’s a great issue, if I say so myself. If you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive the magazine in future, then please register here.