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The things they said (in our July/August issue)

James Evelegh picks out some of the highlights from the latest issue of InPublishing magazine.

By James Evelegh

The things they said (in our July/August issue)

The July / August issue of InPublishing magazine was published this week. Here are some of the quotes that stood out for me (all the links are to our digital edition):

  1. “We were damaged by association because we are all in the same industry.” (Edward Iliffe laments the damage done to the regional press by the phone hacking scandal.)
  2. “Having such a clear purpose really helps us as a team and what we’re working towards.” (Daniel Pearce explaining why Simon Sinek’s book ‘Start with Why’ made such a difference at TTG.)
  3. “Lots of beautiful people modelling garments and accessories with eye-watering prices alongside well-written and generously displayed journalism.” (Alan Geere’s verdict on Elle.)
  4. “The best days in journalism come when you see the difference you’ve made in a community.” (Ed Walker on regional journalism.)
  5. “I can’t see the logic in having to work harder to save paying a few quid for a program that saves so much time.” (PSC’s Laurence Cope struggling to understand why some publishers persist with DIY systems – sponsored content.)
  6. “We’re making a real point of saying: women in midlife deserve joy. Just because you’re older doesn't mean you shouldn’t be having a great time.” (Eleanor Mills explains the thinking behind Noon.)
  7. “Whatever the precise aim of content creation, lifting the blindfold to get a clearer view of your target is a first step on the journey.” (Mike Sewell on why data is so important in content marketing.)
  8. “In the last turbulent year or so, it is the print magazines in my group, aided by the enhanced digital landscape, which have come to our rescue.” (Mark Allen is one of twelve leading publishers and suppliers giving us their views in our (sponsored) ‘Print Post-Pandemic’ special.)
  9. “The worse thing for me is a title that sits on the fence and doesn’t say anything or offer any opinion.” (Rouleur’s Andy McGrath outlines his approach to editing.)
  10. “Our newsrooms were already working towards a digital-first approach: they now had permission to fast-track.” (Dominic Carter in our special feature – The Digital Transformation Journey – talking about national news media. Also in the feature were analyses of regional news media, consumer media, B2B media, customer media and academic media.)
  11. “Anyone who’s looked under the GA hood will start to see numbers that don’t seem to add up.” (Dickon Ross gets to the bottom of disappointing website traffic figures.)
  12. “Marketing technology now underpins everything we do, and we need people who can harness that tech.” (Georgina Rushworth reflecting on what has and hasn’t changed in the world of subs marketing.)
  13. “What is arguably new is the extent to which leaders like Trump and Johnson … habitually attempt to gaslight journalists and the public.” (Sara McConnell on how journalists should respond to populist leaders.)
  14. “The USA is still investing significantly more in research, marketing and NPD (7.2% of turnover) than their UK counterparts (5.8%).” (Jim Bilton compares the US and UK publishing sectors.)

I hope you enjoy the issue. If you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive InPublishing magazine in future, then please register here.

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