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The things they said (in our September/October issue)

James Evelegh picks out some of the highlights from the latest issue of InPublishing magazine.

By James Evelegh

The things they said (in our September/October issue)

The September / October issue of InPublishing magazine (which you can register to receive here) was mailed out last week. Here are some of the quotes that stood out for me (all the links are to our digital edition):

1. “We are in a good place at the moment in terms of editors but is there a pipeline of women coming through?” (Daily Mirror Editor Alison Phillips on the gender gap.)

2. “How often have we been tempted to build something because we can technically only to find out that it’s not what customers want nor has an impact on business metrics?” (The App Lab’s Ben Tyler on the importance of adopting a product management approach to NPD – sponsored article.)

3. “Mesmerising to look at and a feat of physics to understand, cranes deserve this bountiful homage.” (Alan Geere is impressed by Cranes Today.)

4. “They’re all about learning something new in an easy to watch, digestible, entertaining, fast-paced video.” (Alex Kersten on Car Throttle’s approach.)

5. “Some of the most valuable, strategically-critical knowledge is now located in newer areas of the business, and in younger heads.” (Professor Lucy Kueng)

6. “My biggest fear at the beginning was going up against large competitors with big in-house IT teams. It was a daunting prospect.” (The Engineering Network’s Luke Webster – Perception SaS case study – sponsored article)

7. “We don’t just want to collect data from customers to sign up to a newsletter, we want to give them value.” (Immediate Media’s Marie Davies on their newsletter strategy.)

8. “Social media rewards the outraged, the extreme, the hyperbolic and the wildly emotional.” (Dickon Ross)

9. “There is increasing understanding that the purpose of acquisition marketing is to generate attractive future lifetime value rather than simply to acquire a customer. Not all newly acquired customers are equal.” (Julian Thorne in our special (sponsored) feature on ‘new subscriber acquisition’. The special feature is made up of five sections – check out the 'contents view' for the other sections.)

10. “There can be quite a lot of doomsaying in publishing, especially at the moment. That’s not something I buy into.” (Grazia Editor Hattie Brett)

11. “All governments try and control how they are perceived in the press, but if you are to loftily lecture the rest of the world about “Global Media Freedom”, maybe you should set a better example on the ground at home.” (Jon Slattery’s message to the government.)

12. “It’s about encouraging an atmosphere of experimentation and trying out new ideas.” (Hemming Group Chairman Nick Service)

13. “Creating a free registration sign-up is your first step on the path to paid digital membership.” (Carolyn Morgan)

14. “You could get completely distracted by having all that data, but what value does it have for your business?” (EIU CDO Sharon Cooper)

15. “The benefit for trainees of being in the office, seeing how it operates, meeting their colleagues and getting instant feedback is colossal.” (Peter Sands on WFH)

16. “Test and learn with MVPs – you simply won’t get it all right first time.” (Jim Bilton on ‘The Ecommerce Challenge’.)

I hope you enjoy the issue!

You can catch James Evelegh’s regular column in the InPubWeekly newsletter, which you can register to receive here.