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The Week Junior Science+Nature Launches A Summer of Exploration

The Week Junior Science+Nature is encouraging children to discover the world around them in their Summer Scavenger Hunt.

The Week Junior Science+Nature Launches A Summer of Exploration
Dan Green: “A scavenger hunt is the ultimate fun and inclusive experience.”

Launching in the July edition of the monthly magazine, the campaign challenges children to get outside and explore nature. Readers are tasked to find a natural object to fit each of five categories, take a photo of it and send it in. The team is interested to hear the stories around each object – what it is, where it was found and why the young explorer chose it.

The five different categories to find are:

  • A small living thing
  • A big natural object
  • A funny-shaped stick or stone
  • Something colourful
  • A natural treasure

Each child that enters the challenge and sends in a photo will be entered into a prize draw to win a Polaroid Now autofocus instant camera. All entries have to be submitted by 31st August.

Judging will be done by the editorial team, who will be looking as much at the children’s stories as the pictures themselves. After all, say the publishers, what is a natural treasure to one person may be totally overlooked by another.

Winners will be announced on The Week Junior Science+Nature Facebook page on September 4th and will feature in The Week Junior Science+Nature issue 27.

Dan Green, Editor of The Week Junior Science+Nature said: “Summer is the perfect time to get outside and have adventures. A scavenger hunt is the ultimate fun and inclusive experience. You can do it anywhere – in your garden, a local park, beach, woods or wetland – and spend as much time as you like on it. Let your sense of adventure and wonder go wild this summer.”

The issue will be with subscribers on Thursday and will be available at all the usual retailers from Friday 24th July, priced at £3.49.