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Thirty tips for niche publishers

How can independent publishers in specialist markets take advantage of the opportunities on the web, mobile, social and email when resources are tight? Carolyn Morgan has 30 tips for you.

By Carolyn Morgan

This selection of thirty practical tips has been gleaned from the experiences of innovative niche consumer and B2B publishers.

This was the topic of a seminar at Publishing Expo on 28 February 2012 in a panel session led by me, Carolyn Morgan, MD Specialist Media Show, with Andy Marshall, MD Immediate Media Bristol and Rob Chambers, MD Total Telecom. We could have done with a bigger theatre, so here are the highlights if you missed it:

1. Test tablets – PDF replicas on revenue shares are a good way to test the market.

2. Repackage and recycle – specialist content is timeless and makes good specials.

3. Value free – sample issues on tablet showcase your content and attract ads.

4. Hold your nerve on prices – don’t underprice niche content.

5. Test short term promotions – can see big volume uplifts.

6. Go global – many small titles see 70%+ of downloads outside UK.

7. Don't forget e-readers – repackage text-based content for Kindle et al.

8. Streamline content production – look at web first CMS that feed print and tablet too.

9. Consider content curation – make the most of your expert readers.

10. Be search friendly – use Google and social media to attract an audience.

11. Unearth your archive – past issues drive traffic online.

12. Get your audience talking – social media engages readers and generates editorial ideas.

13. Socialise your own site – build your own community through comments and forums.

14. Sell tickets on Twitter – use discount codes to track event sales.

15. Test Facebook mags – browse and share or even sell your mag on Facebook.

16. Cross promote exhaustively – use your e-list, print and web for new products.

17. Automate your emails – save time with content and Twitter feeds.

18. Try video for email marketing – slide show and audio doubled subs response for Agora.

19. Become a data geek – merge your databases and watch what people do.

20. Partner with advertisers – forget CPM, create bespoke campaigns.

21. Get enewsletters sponsored – core audience and timeliness appeals to advertisers.

22. Establish a value for social – beware of giving it away for free.

23. Test out transactions – sell digital content, training, events or link with retail.

24. Be a video magpie – curate public video to create engaging content.

25. Connect your audience – live events build relationships and are profitable.

26. Create content from events – videos, slides, reports, social extend live events.

27. Build an exclusive network – harder to copy than content.

28. Make print special – focus on subscribers and advertisers with better production values.

29. Work closely with Apple – featured content transforms downloads.

30. Select suppliers strategically – make sure they can work together.

If you’re a specialist publisher, then you may be interested in the Specialist Media Show, a conference, exhibition and workshop programme for niche publishers. The next event is on 24 May 2012 at ThinkTank Birmingham. You can register free here.