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Thousands honour troops after Mail appeal

More than 30,000 people lined the streets to salute local soldiers returning from active service after the Hull Daily Mail urged readers to honour them.

The Mail launched the Salute The Troops campaign, calling for people to turn out in force for the homecoming parades by soldiers from the 1st Battalion, the Yorkshire Regiment, through Hull city centre and Beverley on the 23rd July.

The call prompted an astonishing response as crowds up to 20 deep paid tribute with cheers and fluttering Union Flags, said the paper. Many said the turnout had exceeded all expectations.

130 soldiers from the unit – known as 1 Yorks – paraded to mark their return home from a six-month tour of duty in Iraq. They will now enjoy a period of leave before training begins for their next tour of duty in Afghanistan’s hazardous Helmand province. Four servicemen from East Yorkshire have died in Iraq since the invasion in 2003.

Mail Editor John Meehan said: “The response from the people of Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire was truly outstanding and heart-warming. The enormous numbers who paid tribute were a wonderful reminder to the troops that their dangerous work in the service of our country is truly appreciated.

“We are delighted that our rallying call helped to ensure the soldiers got the reception they deserved. I am sure that they will draw strength from the experience when they are fighting in Afghanistan.”

Lord Mayor of Hull, Councillor Karen Woods, said: “We are at a time when our soldiers really need a boost from the general public and they certainly received it.”

Colonel Andrew Jackson of 1 Yorks said: “When our soldiers get such a warm welcome from so many people they feel 10ft tall”.

The Mail carried five pages of reports and pictures with the banner headline “Pride on Parade”. Online coverage on included extensive live coverage, videos and slideshows.