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Top insights from this year’s PPG

James Evelegh picks out some of the highlights from this year’s Publishing Partners Guide.

By James Evelegh

Top insights from this year’s PPG

The Publishing Partners Guide 2022 was distributed with the Jan/Feb issue of InPublishing magazine. In addition to the in-depth profiles of many leading suppliers, the PPG also featured twelve articles, which are well worth reading. Here is an insight from each, with the links going to the digital edition.

  1. National news media need to be the “authors of our own disruption. Actively making the change, rather than waiting to be impacted by it.” (Dominic Carter)
  2. Commercial teams need to address the issue of churn: “From 2019 to 2020, more than half of media publishers churned 45% of annual advertiser revenue while top performers retained 72%.” (Boostr’s Patrick O’Leary – advertorial)
  3. “Smart local publishers have realised this isn’t just a volume game – it has to be about loyalty and trust too.” (Tim Robinson)
  4. On strategic choices: “Pick your goals. Make them realistic for the business you have now and the one you want in future. Be honest about your appetite, investment, commitment and buy-in so you have the skills and resources necessary to give them the best chance.” (Full Fat Things’ Stewart Robinson – advertorial)
  5. “The battle will hot up for attention… eyeballs for advertising and partnership revenues, and increasingly, highly valuable, deeply engaged, audiences who will pay to unlock content and who will stay sticky.” (Jess Burney)
  6. “Delivering a more personalised user experience is key to maintaining steady and sustained growth. Consequently, media companies should continue to bet on AI and tech platforms as a way of knowing what, why, when and how their readers are consuming content.” (Readly’s Ranj Begley – advertorial)
  7. Anonymous readers not valuable: “B2B marketers are rightly focused on analytics, measurement and leads. If your digital content is still unregistered, get that sorted fast.” (Carolyn Morgan)
  8. “Your print ads won’t just translate to digital but will instead require you to put some real thought and effort into the strategy.” (BlueToad’s Paul DeHart – advertorial)
  9. “Customer publishers have to get obsessive about data and with finding new ways and places to connect with their clients’ communities.” (Ian McAuliffe)
  10. “Studies show that paper media serves as a welcome break and certain advertising and articles are absorbed better when visualised on paper.” (Denmaur’s Danny Doogan – advertorial)
  11. “For publishers whose communities continue to coalesce around journal publications, the time is right to co-create new, healthier, and diverse approaches to boost transparency and trust in editorial and peer review processes.” (Tony Roche)
  12. “Business compassion makes us better business people. Clients want vendors who care.” (AdvantageCS’s Dan Heffernan – advertorial)

Of course, the primary purpose of the PPG is to help you source new suppliers. I hope you will find it a useful resource throughout the year…

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