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Total Film reboots website

Total Film the modern movie brand for film fans has unveiled a new-look website which puts video at the centre of the site’s core editorial proposition.

With traffic growth of 135% year-on-year (Source: comScore Digital Analytix (September 2011 vs. September 2010)),’s redesign improves the user experience for the ever-increasing audience with clearer sections, new fonts and a fresh, clean layout.

On every channel’s landing page, video is prominently positioned offering a selection of trailers, clips and interviews. Users can scroll through the most popular items above the main page content: selecting a video opens a drop-down player rather than navigating away from the current page.

Furthermore, social networks have been fully integrated across article pages with being one of the first UK film sites to incorporate Facebook Connect. Total Film has 107,000 Facebook fans, a following of over 67,000 people on Twitter and almost 46,000 Tumblr followers. The rebooted has made sharing content through social media channels even more accessible.

With the new site inviting more debate, more involvement and more engagement from its users, there are “Most Popular” and “Most Commented” filters in addition to “Latest” in every section, helping film fans to find the hottest topics quicker. Whether its news, reviews, features or videos, the filters help put users back in control.

Clair Porteous, Group Publisher for Future’s Film portfolio says: " is now geared up so that the user can easily browse or search for relevant film content in whatever way they choose. Whether it is news, reviews, features or video that they prefer, they can get involved in the debate and share articles with their peers more easily.

For the advertiser, we can now offer best in market creative solutions with video, bespoke adverts and high traffic channels. Total Film is really leading the way online and in social media, establishing an incredibly valuable audience of engaged and influential 18-30 year-old film fans.”