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Tracy De Groose appointed Executive Chair of Newsworks

The News Media Association (NMA) yesterday announced the appointment of Tracy De Groose as Executive Chair of Newsworks, the marketing arm of the national news brands.

Tracy De Groose appointed Executive Chair of Newsworks

Reporting to NMA Chairman David Dinsmore, De Groose brings years of senior experience as a leader, advisor and investor in the sector.

Tracy, previously CEO of Dentsu Aegis Network and Carat, is tasked with championing Britain’s news media to customers and advertisers across the nation.

She joins Newsworks at a time when the industry has seen unprecedented collaboration and an increased focus on transforming itself to be more relevant and accessible, says Newsworks. In this new role Tracy will be at the forefront of championing and facilitating further industry-wide change, while also tackling some infrastructure challenges. She will also have NMA responsibilities that include chairing its national commercial board and representing the NMA on the PAMCo board.

Welcoming De Groose to the new role, David Dinsmore said: “This is a huge moment for the industry, and one of the clearest signals that the industry is collaborating to face an exciting future. To attract someone with Tracy’s experience, knowledge and energy to this role is a massive reinforcement of the power of news brands.

“Tracy has a very clear vision of the future with which my fellow board members and I are totally aligned. We are all energised at the prospect of working with her to make that vision become reality.”

Tracy De Groose said: “We are fortunate to have strong and diverse news brands in the UK and we shouldn’t underestimate the importance of their role in society. I am honoured to be able to represent such a key part of our national media. They help define us so much more than demographics can and create trusted environments for readers and advertisers alike. It’s an exciting time to be joining the industry when it’s already proved it can collaborate to transform and grow. To be at the forefront industry-wide change at such a pivotal time, made this a role I couldn’t say no to.”

Current non-executive chairman David Pattison, who played a key role in Tracy’s appointment, will work with her on the transition until the end of the year.

David Pattison said: “I have chaired Newsworks in a non exec capacity for six years and led them through the setting up of the PATS trading system, putting in place the new, world-leading PAMCO research system and the appointment of a new CEO. It has been clear for some time that news brands need a full-time senior person to bring the industry together to face the next set of challenges. I can’t think of a better choice than Tracy to fill that role.”