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Trinity Mirror titles to run editorial campaigns with Teach First

Five Trinity Mirror titles this week launched editorial campaigns encouraging young professionals and career changers to consider teaching.

The campaigns are running in conjunction with education charity Teach First’s national recruitment drive 'Change Career, Change Lives'.

The Manchester Evening News, Birmingham Mail, Liverpool Echo, South Wales Echo and Newcastle Chronicle will celebrate the inspiring work of teachers and schools in their communities online, and in print.

Content will be aimed at young professionals who are uncertain about their current careers and inspire them to step up to the challenge of teaching, recognise its value in helping to shape the next generation of talent and to consider the benefits a teaching career can offer in the classroom and beyond.

Alan Edmunds, Editor in Chief at Media Wales and Trinity Mirror Regionals Deputy Editorial Director, said: “We have been incredibly impressed by the work of Teach First and are determined to use this campaign as an opportunity for our titles to make an important difference to education in the communities we serve."

James Westhead, Teach First Executive Director, said: “We are hugely grateful to the leadership and support of Trinity Mirror and each of the titles who are supporting our campaign. We hope that readers will enjoy the fantastic stories from their local schools and really get behind our ‘Change Career, Change Lives’ – whether they themselves want to teach or they want to encourage others to step up to the challenge.”