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Trinity Mirror to bid for TV news pilot

Trinity Mirror, the UK's national news agency the Press Association and leading TV production company Ten Alps have formed a consortium to bid for the regional TV news pilot scheme planned for England and will press for the North East to be chosen as the pilot region.

The consortium brings together Press Association's expertise in covering and commissioning content, Trinity Mirror's on-the-ground news-gathering strength and Ten Alps' award-winning programme-making skills.

Trinity Mirror Chief Executive Sly Bailey, said: "The North East region is home to 2.4 million adults meaning it is large enough to host a fully robust pilot of scale, while also being compact enough to launch quickly and cost effectively. The area is highly representative of Britain with its mix of urban centres and rural communities.

"We are convinced that our plans for the North East are the ideal blueprint and will offer crucial learning experiences to the industry ahead of the full national roll-out of local news consortia."  

Press Association managing director Tony Watson said: "One of the essential criteria being stipulated by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport is that the pilot must go live quickly and deliver an enhanced offering across not just TV but also digital platforms - and all within a very tight timeframe.

"The advantage the North East has over other regions is that it is the right size to allow for swift development of the multi-layered service the DCMS is seeking. With the consortium partners we have in place, we believe we can launch an innovative new service in the North East fast, and to a high standard."

Chief executive of Ten Alps, Alex Connock, said: "The consortium partners have a clear view of our respective roles and how we would dovetail together.

"We are all very excited about the potential for creating something original and fresh that isn't just about a TV show but spans a range of online channels as well."

The consortium said it had been in discussion with a number of organisations within the North East and would announce additional partners soon.