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Trinity Mirror's titles rally round to support Manchester Evening News

Staff from across Trinity Mirror's regional titles were asked if they would like to do a few shifts in Manchester, so their colleagues at the MEN can take a break after working round the clock.

The response has been fantastic, and 30 reporters from Trinity Mirror's offices around the country will be heading for Manchester over the next ten days, according to a statement from Trinity Mirror released on Friday.

Staff from Cambridge, Newcastle, Liverpool, Teesside, Derby, Cardiff, Bath, Grimsby, Cheltenham and Football.London are involved.

Most are reporters but there are also digital production staff getting involved and the Irish Mirror team in Northern Ireland will be helping the MEN with subbing work for the print editions.

Neil Benson, Trinity Mirror's editorial director regionals, said: "It has been a very dark week for Manchester but the MEN team has won praise from around the world for their reporting of the arena bomb attack.

"The response to our request for staff from other Trinity Mirror newsrooms to go to Manchester was instant and truly heartwarming.

"They will be working on the many follow-up angles, which gives them an opportunity to be involved in a once-in-a-generation story, and will enable the MEN to maintain the outstanding quality of its coverage."

Rob Irvine, Editor in Chief of the Manchester Evening News, said on Friday, "The first of our colleagues have arrived and they are already making a massive contribution to our coverage. We have some critically important events taking place this weekend in Greater Manchester, including a range of memorial services, vigils and culminating on Sunday with thousands of runners taking part in the Great Manchester Run. And with our colleagues' support we can continue to ensure the very best of reporting across our region."