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Two Renowned Columns Return to The Saturday Telegraph

The Way of the World and The Peterborough Diary columns made a return to the Comment pages of The Saturday Telegraph on Saturday September 25.

Two Renowned Columns Return to The Saturday Telegraph

Over a half a century since it was first published, The Way of the World returned to the paper penned by Michael Deacon, the former Telegraph political sketch writer. The column was previously written by Michael Wharton under the pseudonym Peter Simple for more than half a century in The Telegraph, after he took it over from Colin Welch in 1958. The satirical column foresaw the ways of the world through the lens of an imaginary cast of characters.

The Peterborough Diary column written by The Telegraph’s Chief Political Correspondent and Assistant Editor Christopher Hope also returned as a weekly addition to Saturday’s Comment pages.

The Peterborough Diary column was a popular fixture in The Telegraph for over a century and was previously worked on by esteemed names including WF Deedes, Charles Moore and the author Sebastian Faulks.

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