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UBM acquires US digital marketing conference

UBM plc has announced it has acquired the Online Marketing Summit (OMS) from Online Marketing Connect on behalf of UBM TechWeb.

OMS is an annual conference based in San Diego serving the fast growing online and digital marketing sectors. Established in 2007, it has covered the shift from traditional marketing to technology powered, specifically defined ROI marketing. Specific areas of focus include measurable methodologies such as SEO/SEM, pay-per-click, email marketing, community management and social media marketing.

The next conference will take place 6-10 February 2012 and the vendor, Aaron Kahlow, will continue as conference director, addressing content programming as well as sales and marketing partnerships. Online Marketing Connect will continue to operate its remaining business in partnership with OMS.

In 2011 OMS generated revenues of approximately $1.1m and the value of the business’s gross assets at 16 November 2011 was $0.2m. The acquisition is expected to exceed UBM's cost of capital criterion in its first full year of ownership.

Tony Uphoff, Chief Executive Officer of UBM TechWeb said: “The acquisition of the Online Marketing Summit forms part of our strategy to extend our global reach in serving online marketers worldwide. The conference will expand UBM TechWeb’s ability to serve the digital marketing community both through our professional conferences and our rapidly growing marketing-as-a-service business.”