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UBM publishes 2014 results

UBM plc has published its results for the full year ended 31 December 2014.

According to UBM, the results show “good underlying performance in a year of significant strategic progress”.

Robert Gray, Acting Chief Executive Officer, commented: “These results represent a good performance in a year of significant strategic progress. UBM had a strong H2 and although the reported results reflect currency headwinds, the Group delivered good underlying revenue growth in both Events and PR Newswire, and solid operating margins in each of our three segments.

“The acquisition of Advanstar accelerates our ‘Events First’ strategy, which we announced in November. This clear and well-defined strategy has been embraced by the business and we have already made good progress during the first two months of 2015. The Advanstar integration is on track and trading in the first couple of months of the year has started well.”

Click here to read the full results