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UK and US plan “new global ecosystem” for data

The UK and US have set out plans to shape a "new global ecosystem" for cross-border data flows, following talks between culture secretary Nadine Dorries and commerce secretary Gina Raimondo.

UK and US plan “new global ecosystem” for data

They said in a joint statement: "We seek to shape a global data ecosystem in a manner that promotes and advances interoperability between different data protection frameworks, facilitating cross-border data flows while maintaining high standards of data protection and trust.

“We are committed to open and inclusive engagement with international partners, industry, civil society and consumer and privacy rights groups.”

The statement added, “Our rich and shared histories, traditions and commitment to high privacy standards [that] predate the advent of digital technologies continue today, and will continue and evolve through future technological innovation. We look forward to continuing to build on our partnership in early 2022.”

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