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Ukraine – how publishers can help

Anthem Publishing makes a direct appeal to publishers to help the people of Ukraine.

By James Evelegh

Ukraine – how publishers can help

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has shocked us all. Even with the massive troop build-up of recent weeks, I still thought invasion was inconceivable. Modern Europe! 2022! Impossible. How wrong I was and how terrible and gut-wrenching the events we now see unfolding.

Bath-based Anthem Publishing has decided to do something to help support Ukraine and is urging other publishers to play their part.

In a statement, the company writes: As events have escalated in Ukraine, and its people have shown such inspiring and courageous resistance, as well as suffering directly at the hands of the Russian invasion, Anthem is announcing its humanitarian support for the people of Ukraine and their struggle. The invasion is a fundamental attack on democracy and our way of life and Anthem has committed to doing what it can to help.

As a start point, Anthem has made a £10,000 donation to the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal. Further to that, the company says it will make donations of 5% of its monthly profits to the Appeal throughout 2022. The charity has been chosen as one that directly supports the people displaced by the fighting as well as helping host countries cope with the influx of refugees, currently estimated to be a million but potentially rising as high as four million.

Anthem will also directly encourage its readers to support the Red Cross Appeal and donate over £70,000 worth of print and online advertising inventory to promote it.

CEO Jon Bickley and MD Simon Lewis explained the moves and urged the PPA and other publishers to add their weight to the Red Cross Appeal: “We’re shocked and appalled by what’s happened in Ukraine and want to do whatever we can to help the people most affected, as well as helping to relieve pressure on the countries on Ukraine’s borders coping with the refugee crisis. This war and its possible ramifications transcend anything we’ve witnessed and we call on our colleagues in the industry to ask what you can do to support Ukraine in its fight for survival and for democracy.”

Details of the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal can be found here.

You can contact Xanthe Swift ( at the Red Cross to offer advertising support.

If you would like to discuss coordinating industry activity, then please contact Jon Bickley: