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Union condemns Coventry Telegraph football ban

The NUJ has condemned Coventry City Football Club banning two journalists from its press conference because of unfavourable coverage of the club owner SISU.

As reported by the National Union of Journalists: The union has called on the club to rescind its decision and on Friday 23 September the NUJ Trinity Mirror group chapel met and agreed the following motion:

"The NUJ Trinity Mirror group chapel condemns Coventry City Football Club's decision to prevent Coventry Telegraph journalists having access to staff and players.

"It calls on the club to rescind this decision immediately. Journalists carrying out their normal work should not be targeted in this way."

Chris Morley, NUJ Northern and Midlands organiser, said: "The NUJ condemns the banning of journalists from the Coventry Telegraph from having access to Coventry City FC’s management staff or players over the apparent critical coverage of the club’s owners, SISU.

"It is far too common occurrence for football clubs - from Premier League giants to non-league minnows – to spit their dummies out over unfavourable coverage in local, regional or national media.

"They need to grow up and accept that in a democratic country there is the right to express criticism and that it is unacceptable to shoot the messenger when things are going wrong.

"I urge SISU to put its petulance to one side and accept that Coventry Telegraph journalists are welcome to deal responsibly with the club and its fans."