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UPM Paper ENA plans to reduce graphic paper capacity in Europe

UPM is planning to permanently reduce its graphic paper capacity in Europe by 305,000 tonnes. The capacity reductions are planned to take place in Austria and Germany.

UPM plans to permanently close two paper machines, the SC paper machine 3 at UPM Steyrermühl, Austria and the SC paper machine 2 at UPM Augsburg, Germany.

The number of people affected by the plan is estimated as 150 for UPM Augsburg and 125 for UPM Steyrermühl. The employee consultation processes will begin in November in line with the local legislation. The machines are planned to be closed after the consultation processes have been finalized, says the company.

The plan would result in annual cost savings of about EUR 30 Million. UPM would book charges of approximately EUR 75 Million as an item affecting comparability in Q4 2016. Of the total, approximately EUR 45 Million would be cash costs.

According to the plan both mills would continue paper production on the remaining paper machines at the mill sites.

Winfried Schaur, Executive Vice President, UPM Paper ENA says: "The demand for SC papers, in line with other graphic papers, has been declining during the last years and the decline is expected to continue. Even under challenging market conditions our employees have always given their best and we regret the impact of the planned closures on the personnel. However, we have to adjust our operations to match with long-term customer demand."

Anu Ahola, Senior Vice President, News & Retail, UPM Paper ENA says: "Due to the adverse market conditions we have conducted a thorough analysis on the cost competitiveness of our graphic paper machines. Because of their scale, technical age and limited further savings potential PM3 in Steyrermühl and PM2 in Augsburg are the least competitive SC PMs in UPM's machine park. The planned closures would ensure an efficient use of our remaining five SC paper machines.”

Earlier this year UPM sold its Schwedt mill. The annual production of 282,000 tonnes of newsprint will be ceased in the end of Q3 2017. The new owner will convert the mill into liner production.