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Veit Dengler appointed COO of Bauer Media Group

Veit Dengler, a member of Bauer Media Group’s Executive Board in Hamburg, will become Chief Operating Officer (COO) with immediate effect and will be responsible for all operations.

Veit Dengler appointed COO of Bauer Media Group
Veit Dengler

In addition to his existing responsibilities (Business Areas Publishing English Speaking Countries, Radio, OCP and New Business), Veit Dengler will also take over the management of the publishing business in Continental Europe from Jörg Hausendorf, who is leaving the company.

The members of Bauer Media Group’s Executive Board are from now on, Yvonne Bauer, Harald Jessen (CFO) and Veit Dengler.

Yvonne Bauer: “Over the last years, Jörg Hausendorf has shaped the Bauer Media Group. He has guided our important German publishing business through the difficult times of declining markets by consistently increasing efficiency, innovating processes and products and making smart acquisitions. I very much regret that we were unable to reach an agreement on the future course of the Bauer Media Group and have great respect for his decision to leave us. I thank him for his commitment and success and wish him all the best for the future."

Bauer Media Group is currently in a phase of transformation: the company is evolving from a pure publishing house into a multi-business portfolio company with various businesses in the media and nonmedia sectors. The strategy is to strengthen the publishing business worldwide, to expand the radio and OCP division and to invest in young, fast-growing and highly profitable business areas in order to compensate for the ongoing decline in the publishing sector, says the company.

As recently announced, the Bauer Media Group will initially focus on marketing and sales services for small and medium-sized businesses.