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Video takes centre stage in Content Marketing Strategies

Video has moved to become a central part of content marketing strategies, with video budgets set to accelerate further over the coming year, according to a new study by the Content Marketing Association.

According to the CMA study, 71% of content marketers believe that brands aren’t investing enough in video content.

58% of senior level marketers said they are planning on increasing the percentage of marketing budgets spent on video content in the next 12 months, with nearly a third planning for an increase of up to 50%. Currently, on average, 78% of content marketers spend up to a quarter of marketing budgets on video content.

This boom in demand for branded video content, making it one of the most powerful weapons for marketers, is due to its effectiveness for brand storytelling, information, entertainment and inspiration, plus its growth opportunities in mobile.

Over half of those surveyed for the ‘Video Content for Engagement’ study cited mobile as their primary channel for branded video content, with a third also putting mobile as the biggest growth area for video. This was closely followed by social media (29%) and short form content (24%).

YouTube, the original video platform, still leads the pack in in terms of importance for branded video content, but the industry has opened up with other big players such as Facebook adding competition and a new dynamic to the medium. When it comes to live video content, YouTube remained number one for marketers, with Periscope, Facebook and Snapchat following.

Clare Hill, MD, CMA, said: “There’s been an explosion in branded video content as the platform gives an unparalleled opportunity for brands to deliver value to customers through engaging content. With content marketers currently spending on average up to a quarter of budgets on video content, the exponential growth that this budget is set to see over the next year as video continues to excel in importance and value for brands is extremely exciting.”

The research also found that nearly a third of content marketers believe that it is possible to accurately measure the ROI of branded video content, with the key metrics including views (31%), lead to action (21%), length of engagement (19%), view completions (16%) and social sharing (14%).

When it comes to specific content marketing verticals, entertainment is seen as most effective for video (43%), with sport (18%) and retail (16%) also popular categories.

The study, titled ‘Video Content for Engagement’, was conducted across 100 senior level marketers, including the CMA membership of over 40 companies, plus brands such as McDonalds, Nikon and Guinness Book of World Records and media agencies such as Saatchi & Saatchi, Carat and PHD.

This is the third report that the CMA has produced following Content Marketing and Data Intelligence and The Role of Social in Content Marketing.

You can download the full report here.