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vjoon releases version 9 of K4

Just weeks after Adobe unveiled the latest version of Creative Cloud at the Los Angeles Adobe MAX conference, vjoon K4 Version 9 is ready for Adobe CC 2019.

vjoon releases version 9 of K4

One of the first publishing systems to support Adobe CC 2019, Version 9 also offers optimized clients in the updated K4 Content Portal, alongside a host of other technical enhancements. It is now available worldwide from the vjoon partner network, says the company.

According to vjoon, the revamped K4 Content Portal’s three plug-ins, Content Editor, Web Editor and Approval Manager, provide precision-tailored clients to suit content writers, editors and decision-makers’ needs. Content Editor integrates CKEditor 5 to provide an up-to-date user experience that supports content-first strategies. The revamped Web Editor comes with a UI makeover and several technical touchups. Approval Manager is the go-to hub for all kinds of approvals. All three plug-ins now incorporate File Manager functionality.

Other technical upgrades include support for Java version 11. Imaging tools and the like may now be launched right out of External Task Dispatcher for a faster and more elegant way of accessing third-party applications.

In the content editor, instead of using a central toolbar with many control elements as before, paragraph and character formats, for example, can be edited directly on the text object. For the user, intuitive, context-dependent control elements are provided directly on the text.

Users can also adapt the Content Editor view via Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) so that the content appears in the publication’s designated look and feel. They can adjust the format, font and font size, number of columns, and the colour of text passages using CSS to adopt the publication’s unique style in a responsive way.

With the facelift, the Web Editor has been optically streamlined and now has a lighter user interface. In addition, detailed improvements have been made and sources of error reduced. These include, for example, numerous improvements in so-called Precomposed Characters and special characters.

vjoon’s designers simplified and streamlined the Approval Manager by merging its two components and their functions into one client. Decision-making is more intuitive now. One click is all it takes for an editor to give a thumbs-up to layouts and contents that meet specifications – or a thumbs-down to those that do not. Approval Manager is the go-to hub for approving layouts and articles. This productivity-booster makes working life a lot easier for people who coordinate and monitor layouts and content across departmental or company boundaries. It accelerates approvals and fast-tracks feedback to save time and money, says vjoon.

vjoon K4 Version 9 R1 is available now from official vjoon integration partners.